Mumbai, March 1 (IANS) Following the reduction in excise duties in the union budget, automobile major Tata Motors has slashed the prices of its Indica and SUV models. However, the company Saturday said it was undecided about lowering the price of its forthcoming model Nano, already considered the world's cheapest car at Rs.100,000 ($2,500).
'It's too early' to say whether this would have a bearing on the prices of the proposed family car, Tata Nano, expected to hit the market at Rs.100,000, a company spokesperson told IANS.
According to present indications, Nano will be available in the showrooms in the second half of this year.
Among existing models, the prices of the popular Tata Indica car series have been slashed between Rs.8,500-Rs.14,600.
In the commercial light motor vehicle segment where the company has more than 150 models, including Tata Sumo and Safari, the prices have been reduced by two percent across all models.
'We want to pass on the benefits of the excise duty relief to our consumers,' the spokesperson said.
Another auto major Maruti Suzuki has also announced price reductions following the tax cuts.
'It's too early' to say whether this would have a bearing on the prices of the proposed family car, Tata Nano, expected to hit the market at Rs.100,000, a company spokesperson told IANS.
According to present indications, Nano will be available in the showrooms in the second half of this year.
Among existing models, the prices of the popular Tata Indica car series have been slashed between Rs.8,500-Rs.14,600.
In the commercial light motor vehicle segment where the company has more than 150 models, including Tata Sumo and Safari, the prices have been reduced by two percent across all models.
'We want to pass on the benefits of the excise duty relief to our consumers,' the spokesperson said.
Another auto major Maruti Suzuki has also announced price reductions following the tax cuts.